Which conditions can hypnotherapy help with?

Using hypnotherapy I can help clients with a wide range of issues

Hypnosis is of course useful for tackling emotional problems such as anxiety, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and anger issues.  But we can go further. Our mental state can also have a profound direct influence on the severity of physical conditions such as IBS, chronic cough and chronic pain. As we acknowledge the mind-body connection and the possibility that physical conditions can be made worse by our emotional state, it opens up new approaches to managing our physical symptoms. This is where Hypnotherapy can be very helpful.

Below is a list of just some of the issues I have helped clients with within the last few years.

Contact me for Hypnotherapy to help with:

  • Addictions: Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Gambling, Pornography
  • Anger Issues
  • Assertiveness
  • Anxiety: Generalised Anxiety, Health Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, Stress
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Self-esteem
  • Phobias: Including Agoraphobia, Emetophobia, Dental phobia, Fear of Flying, Dog Phobia, Claustrophobia
  • Relationships: Jealousy, Guilt, Anger, Defensiveness, Lack of Trust, Dependency
  • Teeth Grinding – Bruxism

If the problem you’re seeking help for isn’t listed then please do give me a call or use my contact form to get in touch. This list isn’t exhaustive and I may well have helped clients with something similar to what you are experiencing.

My Current Fees - I offer face-to-face and online appointments

Initial 30 minute phone or in person consultation


Hypnotherapy sessions


How many sessions will I need?

What I don't offer is one session "quick fixes" as effecting lasting change can take time. However the ability of hypnosis to access your subconscious mind means it can be possible to get to the root of the problem and make the required changes relatively quickly.

The  number of sessions will vary according to individual client needs.

Hypnotherapy is generally a short term therapy and you only need to book a session at a time, ensuring you pay for the minimum number of sessions required for you to reach your goal.

Does it Always Work?

No therapy can guarantee a positive outcome, hypnotherapy can provide clients  with positive, life changing relief of symptoms.

However change facilitated by hypnotherapy still requires commitment and work on your part. We work together to work through your problems, it's not a "miracle cure".